If you’re looking for the best 20w50 oil for classic cars, consider using AMSOIL Z-ROD® 20W-50 Synthetic Motor Oil. This motor oil is formulated with high levels of zinc that offer protection to vital engine components such as flat tappet camshafts, rockers, and lifters. It effectively offers protection against corrosion and rust during extended storage periods. If you want to maintain high horsepower in your high-performance vehicle, this is the oil for you.
Benefits of AMSOIL Z-ROD® 20W-50 Synthetic Motor Oil
Offers Long-Term Protection Against Corrosion and Rust
To properly provide the best safeguard during prolonged periods of storage, AMSOIL Z-ROD® 20W-50 Synthetic Motor Oil is imbued with a powerful blend of proprietary corrosion- and rust-inhibiting additives. This oil has performed admirably in industry-standard rust and corrosion tests.
Offers Protection to Flat Tappet Cams
High-performance vehicles and classic cars contain flat-tappet camshafts with cam lobes and lifters. They quickly slide over one another, causing high-heat and high-friction. This friction can lead to wear on the cam and negatively affect the operation of valves. This reduces engine efficiency and power. These parts of the motor also aren’t pressure-lubricated, but are instead splash-lubricated, adding strain on phosphorus and zinc anti-wear ingredients.
AMSOIL Z-ROD® 20W-50 Synthetic Motor Oil is engineered with elevated amounts of ZDDP (zinc dialkyldithiophosphate) which protects rockers, flat-tappet cams, lifters, and other important motor components in classic cars from wear.
Hopefully, this blog post on the best 20w50 oil for classic cars has been useful to you. Consider switching to AMSOIL today. Make sure to tune back into the blog soon for the best high-performance lubrication tips!