Blue Semi Commercial Truck

How to Ungel a Diesel Truck

This guide provides information on un-gelling a diesel truck, addressing vehicle-specific details and methods to resolve gelling issues efficiently.

What Causes Diesel Fuel to Gel?

Diesel fuel can gel, particularly in cold temperatures, due to the formation of wax crystals within the fuel. As the temperature drops, the waxes in the fuel solidify and can block fuel filters and lines, leading to performance issues. Factors that contribute to fuel gelling include:

  • Cold Weather: Temperatures below the cloud point of the diesel fuel can cause wax to begin to solidify.
  • Fuel Quality: Low-quality diesel or biodiesel blends may be more prone to gelling.
  • Additives: Lack of appropriate cold-weather additives can increase the likelihood of gelling.

Preventing Diesel Fuel from Gelling

Taking preventive steps can help maintain diesel fuel fluidity in cold temperatures. Here are some key actions to consider:

  1. Use Winter-Grade Diesel: Opt for winter-grade diesel fuel, formulated to resist gelling at low temperatures.
  2. Add Anti-Gel Additives: Incorporate diesel fuel additives that lower the pour point and improve flow characteristics in cold weather.
  3. Store Fuel Properly: Keep diesel fuel in a warm, insulated environment, reducing exposure to cold air.
  4. Regularly Maintain Fuel Systems: Clean fuel filters and ensure that any water in the tank is removed, as water can exacerbate gelling.
  5. Keep the Tank Full: A full tank reduces air exposure, preventing condensation and water accumulation, which can contribute to gelling.

For more detailed information on why diesel fuel gels and how to prevent it, you can read further here.

Solutions for Ungelling Diesel Fuel

If diesel fuel has already gelled, prompt action is necessary. Several treatment options are available, and they are compared below.

Blue Winter Truck
Enhance performance and reduce downtime by preventing diesel fuel gelling, ensuring your truck runs smoothly even in the coldest conditions.

How to Ungel Diesel Fuel

  1. Move to a Warmer Environment: If possible, move the vehicle to a heated garage or warmer area to help thaw the gelled fuel.
  2. Use a Fuel-Line Heater: Install a fuel-line heater or use a portable heater that can gently warm the fuel lines and tank.
  3. Add Anti-Gel Additives: If the fuel is already gelled, adding anti-gel additives can help dissolve the wax and restore flow. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.
  4. Change the Fuel Filter: After thawing the fuel, replace the fuel filter to remove any remaining wax particles that may obstruct flow.
  5. Crank the Engine: Once the fuel is thawed, try to crank the engine intermittently to encourage flow through the fuel system. Allow rest periods between attempts to avoid damaging the starter.

Product Comparisons: Effective Treatments

Here, we will compare three products: Diesel 911, Stanadyne Performance Formula, and AMSOIL Diesel Recovery.

Diesel 911 Product Overview

  • Purpose: Designed for emergency winter use.
  • Function:
    • Reliquefies gelled diesel fuel.
    • De-ices frozen fuel filters to restore fuel flow.
  • Limitations: Does not prevent fuel gelling.
  • Recommended Use: Use Diesel Fuel Supplement + Cetane Boost (in the white bottle) for prevention against gelling.
  • Compatibility: Diesel 911 and Diesel Fuel Supplement + Cetane Boost can be used together in diesel fuel.

Stanadyne Performance Formula

  • Function: Prevents gelling while improving fuel stability and injector performance.
  • Composition: Includes anti-gel agents and stabilizers to preserve diesel fuel.
  • Effectiveness: Works effectively in various diesel blends and is favored by fuel specialists.

AMSOIL Diesel Recovery

  • Function: Specifically designed to dissolve wax crystals in gelled diesel fuel, restoring flow in fuel lines and filters.
  • Composition: Alcohol-free and non-corrosive, minimizing risks to fuel system components.
  • Effectiveness: Activates the separation of molecular bonds in wax crystals and effectively thaws frozen fuel filters.
Green Commercial Truck
Maximize engine life with effective treatments that dissolve gelled diesel fuel, restoring flow and reliability when you need it most.


By taking preventative measures and addressing gelled diesel promptly, you can maintain your diesel engine’s performance even in cold conditions. Understanding the causes and treatment options for gelling ensures that drivers can respond effectively and keep their diesel trucks running smoothly. For more details on high-performance motor oils, explore: Power Service Here, Stanadyne Here, and AMSOIL Diesel Recovery Here.

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