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How to Make Cars Better for the Environment: The Impact of Synthetic Lubricants

With increasing awareness around climate change, more individuals and companies are recognizing the importance of sustainability. How can we make cars better for the environment? AMSOIL was ahead of the curve, championing eco-friendly practices before it became a trend. Their dedication to sustainability permeates every facet of their operations, from implementing green manufacturing processes to investing in renewable energy. Unlike many businesses that adopt green practices just for commercial gain, AMSOIL’s commitment is part of their core values. They continuously audit and improve their processes, partnering with programs that reduce carbon footprints and fund clean energy projects.

AMSOIL Signature Series 0W-20.
AMSOIL Signature Series 0W-20 100% Synthetic Motor Oil

AMSOIL: Setting the Standard for Eco-Conscious Engine Care

In 1968, Al Amatuzio, the founder of AMSOIL, introduced synthetic motor oil that only needed changing every 25,000 miles (40,000 km) or once a year. This innovative approach stood in stark contrast to the established norm in the automotive industry, which recommended changing conventional motor oil every 3,000 miles (4,800 km) or every three months. The traditional method, although widely accepted, proved to be both wasteful and costly, imposing financial and environmental burdens on consumers. It also required car owners to adhere to a rigid maintenance schedule, often causing unnecessary disruptions.

Amatuzio’s groundbreaking solution provided a more efficient and environmentally friendly alternative. By advocating for extended oil change intervals, he didn’t just reduce waste and maintenance expenses; he also addressed a growing concern for sustainability within the automotive sector. His synthetic motor oil maintained engine performance and longevity, debunking the misconception that frequent oil changes were essential for engine health. This shift not only saved consumers time and money but also minimized the environmental impact associated with used oil disposal. By challenging the status quo, Amatuzio set a new standard in automotive maintenance, paving the way for future innovations in synthetic lubricants.

In recent years, many lubricant manufacturers have followed AMSOIL’s lead by launching their own lines of long-lasting motor oils. This shift is driven by a growing awareness of the significant benefits these products offer, particularly in terms of enhanced engine protection and extended performance longevity. As a result, we’re seeing more vehicle manufacturers now recommending extended oil change intervals. They’re suggesting that, with the use of advanced electronic oil life monitoring systems, oil changes can be safely performed every 15,000 miles (24,000 km) or even longer. This represents a notable departure from the traditional maintenance schedules, which typically mandated more frequent oil changes. These changes underscore how advancements in lubricant technology are not only improving engine efficiency but also promoting more cost-effective and environmentally friendly maintenance practices. They also highlight a broader industry trend towards optimizing vehicle performance and reducing overall ownership costs, reshaping the standards and expectations of both consumers and manufacturers alike.

AMSOIL 0W-16 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil.
AMSOIL 0W-16 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil

The Green Revolution: AMSOIL’s Commitment to Sustainability

Industry tests demonstrate that AMSOIL synthetic lubricants positively impact the environment in three major ways. Firstly, extended oil change intervals significantly reduce the amount of waste oil entering the recycling stream and the environment. By prolonging the duration between oil changes, millions of gallons of waste oil are spared from disposal each year, which effectively lessens environmental contamination risks.

Secondly, the lower volatility of these lubricants contributes to a substantial decrease in air pollution. Volatile lubricants tend to evaporate more readily, leading to higher emissions that can degrade air quality. AMSOIL’s synthetic options, however, minimize this issue by maintaining stability even under extreme conditions, resulting in cleaner exhaust and a reduction in harmful pollutants released into the atmosphere.

Thirdly, AMSOIL synthetic lubricants and fuel additives play a crucial role in enhancing fuel efficiency. Improved fuel efficiency means that engines operate more smoothly and consume less fuel over time. This translates to fewer greenhouse gases being emitted, alongside cost savings for consumers. By using products that support better fuel economy, users contribute to a broader effort to mitigate climate change.
Some might argue that synthetic lubricants are more costly upfront compared to conventional oils, but the long-term environmental benefits and cost savings on fuel and maintenance outweigh the initial investment. Therefore, the use of AMSOIL synthetic lubricants presents a compelling case for both environmental stewardship and economic prudence.

AMSOIL Universal Single-Remote Bypass System.
AMSOIL Universal Single-Remote Bypass System

How AMSOIL Champions Environmental Stewardship

AMSOIL is officially certified under the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System standard, indicating that the independent organization NSF has acknowledged AMSOIL’s steadfast dedication to sustainability across all facets of its operations. The ISO 14001 standard provides a comprehensive framework that organizations must follow to establish an effective environmental management system. This encompasses aspects such as reducing waste, enhancing resource efficiency, and mitigating environmental impact.

Achieving this certification demonstrates AMSOIL’s commitment not just on paper but through implemented practical measures aimed at minimizing its environmental footprint. Customers can be assured that AMSOIL actively prioritizes environmental responsibility, implementing rigorous practices to reduce emissions, conserve energy, and ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations. This certification underscores AMSOIL’s proactive approach to integrating sustainability into its core business strategy, thereby fostering a culture of continuous environmental improvement.

Critics might argue that certifications alone don’t guarantee genuine eco-friendly practices. However, the ISO 14001 standard requires ongoing audits and assessments, ensuring that AMSOIL maintains a high level of environmental performance over time. This ongoing verification process reassures stakeholders that AMSOIL’s commitment to the environment is both authentic and enduring, further solidifying its reputation as a responsible corporate citizen.

PI Performance Improver.
AMSOIL P.I.® Performance Improver Gasoline Additive

The Green Principles Behind AMSOIL’s Success

AMSOIL’s commitment to environmental sustainability goes well beyond its product line, infiltrating every facet of its daily operations, from strategic management to facility maintenance. The company is proactive in sourcing eco-friendly packaging materials. Their plastic containers, for example, are made from recycled materials, significantly reducing the need for new plastic. This not only mitigates environmental impact but also supports the recycling industry. The cardboard boxes they use are obtained from suppliers that follow the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) standards, promoting responsible forest stewardship and ensuring a supply chain rooted in sustainability.

AMSOIL’s dedication doesn’t stop there. Even their office practices align with sustainability values, evident in their initiatives to lower energy consumption through efficient lighting and HVAC systems. They also have robust recycling programs in place, ensuring materials like paper, electronics, and other recyclables are properly processed and reused when possible.

This holistic approach underscores AMSOIL’s comprehensive strategy to lessen its environmental footprint, demonstrating that businesses can operate both successfully and responsibly. The company’s efforts are a testament to its recognition that true sustainability requires an all-encompassing commitment, one that influences every decision and action. This not only helps conserve natural resources but also sets a standard for others in the industry, proving that economic viability and ecological responsibility can go hand-in-hand.

Fuel Efficient ATF.
AMSOIL Signature Series Fuel-Efficient 100% Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid

AMSOIL and the Three R’s: Making Environmental Responsibility Easy

AMSOIL maintains an extensive recycling program across its facilities, ensuring the majority of materials are recycled. These materials include cardboard, used drums, pallets, both clean and soiled plastic bottles, office paper, glossy paper, aluminum, and glass. Additionally, AMSOIL recycles computer equipment, batteries, light bulbs, oil filters, and more. The program is designed to minimize environmental impact, adopting rigorous processes to handle different types of recyclable items. For instance, their recycling of used drums and plastic bottles, both clean and soiled, underscores a commitment to sustainability. Similarly, recycling efforts extend to a variety of office supplies, including glossy paper and aluminum, emphasizing comprehensive waste management. They also address electronic waste and hazardous materials by recycling computer equipment, batteries, light bulbs, and oil filters, further demonstrating their dedication to reducing landfill contributions.

AMSOIL’s commitment to sustainability shines through in their use of recycled cardboard for product packaging. This eco-friendly approach significantly reduces environmental impact. Specifically, it leads to using 2,400 fewer tons of wood annually, sparing 435 acres of forest that might otherwise be compromised. Additionally, this choice saves 7,500 million BTUs of energy each year, which is equivalent to the energy used by over 75 homes annually.

AMSOIL pc banner.

Moreover, it results in 7,480,000 pounds less CO2 being emitted, which is akin to removing 640 passenger vehicles from the road for a year. Water conservation is also a significant benefit, with 3.3 million gallons less water being used annually, enough to fill five Olympic-sized swimming pools. Furthermore, the process generates 25,000 pounds less solid waste each year, reducing landfill burden.

These annual environmental savings are derived from the average recycled content of the corrugated containers that AMSOIL uses, underscoring their dedication to minimizing ecological footprints while maintaining efficient and effective packaging solutions.

AMSOIL’s Green Initiatives in Manufacturing

Examples of environmental care include using leftover production oil to heat the AMSOIL Distribution Center, significantly cutting down on energy expenses while recycling resources efficiently. The facility also boasts a high-efficiency roof designed to optimize insulation and minimize heat loss, alongside advanced heating and cooling systems that further reduce overall energy consumption. Additionally, AMSOIL made a transformative decision to convert a substantial section of the asphalt parking lot at the center into green space, enhancing both the environmental footprint and the aesthetic appeal of the area. This not only improves air quality but also provides a more sustainable environment.

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AMSOIL has consistently recognized that caring for the environment is not only prudent but also advantageous for business. This fundamental value has been embedded in the company’s ethos since its inception and will remain a guiding principle in the future. By choosing AMSOIL products, you’re demonstrating a commitment to environmental sustainability throughout each stage of a product’s lifecycle, from production to disposal. This commitment extends to minimizing waste, reducing emissions, and utilizing renewable resources. Even though some may argue that implementing environmentally friendly practices can be costly, AMSOIL’s experience shows that such initiatives can result in long-term economic benefits and foster customer loyalty.


Exploring “How to Make Cars Better for the Environment” reveals that true sustainability starts with companies like AMSOIL. Their longstanding commitment to eco-friendly practices—from green manufacturing to supporting clean energy projects—demonstrates that real change is more than skin-deep. By choosing AMSOIL, you’re aligning with a brand that values the environment as much as you do, ensuring your vehicle’s performance is both superior and sustainable.

AMSOIL dealer banner.
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